Bilder examensceremoni och -bankett

Glad sommar sektionen! Här kommer bilderna från examensceremonin.

Den avslappnade druiden

This study period's Druid is comming with loads of good tips for relaxation that you can use to come back relaxed and ready to study again in August. Hugs from InfU 2023


This year's first edition of our beloved Druid is here! Read it on our webpage as a pdf or come to Gallien and enjoy it in a physical format.Hugs from InfU 2023!

Nollning 2022

Grattis alla nyintagna och välkomna till Kemi- och Biotekniksektionen på LTH! All information om nollningen hittar ni på och glöm inte att följa @kseknollning på Instagram!

The olympic Druid

This years first issue of the K-Guild magazine Druiden has arrived! Read it here as a pdf or swing by Gallien to read it as a printed magazine. Love, InfU


Lundakarnevalen takes place every four years and is Sweden's largest student engagement, and now it's finally every four years again!

Excelkurser med Learnesy

Efter höstens lyckade samarbete lanserar vi nu en ny möjlighet för medlemmarna att få Excelutbildning med onlinekursföretaget Learnesy!

Apply to become a Member of the working group K at Science Village

Apply to become a Member of the working group K at Science Village!

Apply to Coordinator of ARKAD

Coordinator Application for ARKAD has now re-opened! Last day to apply is 19th of May.


Trippidy trappidy trull, soon the family will be full. It is time to apply to KRUT!