Welcome to the Board
We're ulitmately responsible for the Guild!
We're ulitmately responsible for the Guild!
In the Student Board, you get a good insight into how big organizations function and how to work, communicate and collaborate with a big group of people. The Board also works visionarily with questions regarding the Guild’s development and future, which is very educational and exciting! Mutual for all posts of the Student Board is that it’s a great advantage to have previous experience of the Guild, but it’s not a must. Being a Board member, a lot of time will have to be put on voluntary commitment.
As President of the Guild, my duties mainly include being overall responsible for the Guild, leading the Guild’s work and representing the Guild in different contexts. Through the College of Presidents at LTH, I get in touch a lot with the other Guild Presidents as well as the Presidents of the Student Union at LTH. I thereby make up an important link between the K-guild and the rest of the Student Union. I also represent the Guild in most of the meetings with Kemicentrum’s administration. As President, I’m also the executive publisher of the Guild’s publications such as posters, Nolleguiden, the KULA-guide and the Guild’s magazine Orbitalen. I’m also the Guild’s company signatory alongside the Vice President and the Treasurer.
Applicants of this post should be passionate about developing the Guild, being accountable for and influencing the Guild and wanting to challenge their capability to lead and organize. Be prepared to spend plenty of hours every week and to be contacted day and night. If you’re ready for that you’ll be the public face of the Guild and you’ll get to know a lot of students and adults at LTH!
As the Vice President, I’m the President’s right-hand. I’m accountable for important administrative tasks such as access to Kemicentrum’s houses and keys. During the year, I assist and help the President and am ready to enter as President in its absence. As Vice President, I’m frequently in touch with all Committee Heads since I lead the Council meetings. On top of that, I’m the Board’s contact person for the Nomination Committee which I support and exchange ideas with whenever they need. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. Finally, I’m the Guild’s company signatory alongside the President and the Treasurer.
The Vice President collaborates closely with the President and therefore needs a good insight into the Guild. As Vice President, you get the possibility to work with many fantastic people and to develop your organisational and multitasking skills.
As Treasurer, I’m accountant for the Guild’s economy and bookkeeping meaning I need to have an eye for details and a good insight into the Guild. I’m a member of the College of Economy at the Student Union at LTH where I discuss economy with the other Guilds’ treasurers. My mandate is a little longer than the mandate for other volunteers; I’m Treasurer from the beginning of the year to the Spring Guild Meeting the next year. As Treasurer, I’m also the Guild’s company signatory alongside the President and the Vice President.
The Treasurer is unique in learning a lot about economy through bookkeeping, budgets and payment systems, which are valuable skills for the future! You also get to know and talk to all committees of the Guild through their economy. As Treasurer, it’s important to be structured and to have an interest in economy - either from the Guild or from other situations.
As the secretary I’m in charge of writing protocols and sending out summons to Board Meetings and Guild Meetings as well as organizing all documents before every meeting. I am also in charge of making sure the Guilds Regulatory Documents are up to date. The secretary cooperates very closely with the President and Vice President and needs to know thoroughly how the Guild works.
If you like structure, order and multitasking this is the perfect position! As secretary you also get the opportunity to become an expert on how to write documents, handling formalities and formal writing, and also helping other lost souls with it.
As Board Member in charge of Events I’m the contact person in the Board for the committees who organizes some of the Guilds biggest event: The Introduction Committee and The Festivities Committee. I’m also the contact person for The Honours Committee, the most elegant committee. I assist these committees with support and advice. I’m also their link with the Board and the rest of the Guild. Except for my job as a contact person I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
If you are extra interested in bigger and festive events this Board Member post is perfect! Committees and project groups which the Board Member in charge of Events act as a contact person for are usually very busy and have a lot of things going on. Periods of time there is therefore a lot to handle with committees and the Board at the same time. As a board member you learn how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As the Board Member in charge of Events you have good opportunities to work with visionary projects in parties, introduction and ceremonies.
As the Board Member in charge of Activities I’m the contact person in the Board for the committees that arrange activity related events: The Sports Committee and The Yellow Commanders. I’m also the contact person for The Cafeteria Committee and The Gadget Committee. I assist these committees with support and advice when they need it. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. Except for my job as a contact person I am also in charge of all study-circles. I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
Do you have a big interest in developing the Guild's activities? If that is the case, the Board Member in charge of Activities is the post for you! There are many committees and project groups that the Board Member in charge of Activities is the contact person for, which makes your day exciting and you get to practice your problem solvning all the time! As a Board Member you learn how to represent both your own and others opinions during discussions. As the Board Member in charge of Activities you have good opportunities to work on visionary projects within events and activities to put a silver lining to the Guild members everyday life!
The Board Member in charge of Public Relations is for those of you who are a little extra passionate about business contact, the Guilds presence on social media and the ability to reach out to members. As the Board Member in charge of Public Relations, you learn a lot about responsibility, the business and adult world as well as communication, at the same time as you constantly develop your problem solving skills. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for Public Relations you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in, for example, information accessibility for Guild members or business relations!
The Board Member in charge of Public Relations is for those of you who are a little extra passionate about business contact, the Guilds presence on social media and the ability to reach out to members. As the Board Member in charge of Public Relations, you learn a lot about responsibility, the business and adult world as well as communication, at the same time as you constantly develop your problem solving skills. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for Public Relations you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in, for example, information accessibility for Guild members or business relations!
As the Board Member in charge of Education I’m the contact person in the Board for the committees that are in charge of education and students health: The Student Council of B&K, The Study Committee and The Safety Committee. I’m also the contact person for The Alumni Committee. I assist these committees with support and advice when they need it. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. I am also a part of the Program Management Board where I represent the students regarding decisions about our education. Except for my job as a contact person I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
Are you interested in questions regarding our education, student health and debate for members in situations outside of our studies? Then this Board member post is for you! As the Board Member in charge of Education you handle very important questions for students and to be able to contribute to this is very rewarding. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for education you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in everything from education to health and affinity for the Guild members.
As President of the Guild, my duties mainly include being overall responsible for the Guild, leading the Guild’s work and representing the Guild in different contexts. Through the College of Presidents at LTH, I get in touch a lot with the other Guild Presidents as well as the Presidents of the Student Union at LTH. I thereby make up an important link between the K-guild and the rest of the Student Union. I also represent the Guild in most of the meetings with Kemicentrum’s administration. As President, I’m also the executive publisher of the Guild’s publications such as posters, Nolleguiden, the KULA-guide and the Guild’s magazine Orbitalen. I’m also the Guild’s company signatory alongside the Vice President and the Treasurer.
Applicants of this post should be passionate about developing the Guild, being accountable for and influencing the Guild and wanting to challenge their capability to lead and organize. Be prepared to spend plenty of hours every week and to be contacted day and night. If you’re ready for that you’ll be the public face of the Guild and you’ll get to know a lot of students and adults at LTH!
As the Vice President, I’m the President’s right-hand. I’m accountable for important administrative tasks such as access to Kemicentrum’s houses and keys. During the year, I assist and help the President and am ready to enter as President in its absence. As Vice President, I’m frequently in touch with all Committee Heads since I lead the Council meetings. On top of that, I’m the Board’s contact person for the Nomination Committee which I support and exchange ideas with whenever they need. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. Finally, I’m the Guild’s company signatory alongside the President and the Treasurer.
The Vice President collaborates closely with the President and therefore needs a good insight into the Guild. As Vice President, you get the possibility to work with many fantastic people and to develop your organisational and multitasking skills.
As Treasurer, I’m accountant for the Guild’s economy and bookkeeping meaning I need to have an eye for details and a good insight into the Guild. I’m a member of the College of Economy at the Student Union at LTH where I discuss economy with the other Guilds’ treasurers. My mandate is a little longer than the mandate for other volunteers; I’m Treasurer from the beginning of the year to the Spring Guild Meeting the next year. As Treasurer, I’m also the Guild’s company signatory alongside the President and the Vice President.
The Treasurer is unique in learning a lot about economy through bookkeeping, budgets and payment systems, which are valuable skills for the future! You also get to know and talk to all committees of the Guild through their economy. As Treasurer, it’s important to be structured and to have an interest in economy - either from the Guild or from other situations.
As the secretary I’m in charge of writing protocols and sending out summons to Board Meetings and Guild Meetings as well as organizing all documents before every meeting. I am also in charge of making sure the Guilds Regulatory Documents are up to date. The secretary cooperates very closely with the President and Vice President and needs to know thoroughly how the Guild works.
If you like structure, order and multitasking this is the perfect position! As secretary you also get the opportunity to become an expert on how to write documents, handling formalities and formal writing, and also helping other lost souls with it.
As Board Member in charge of Events I’m the contact person in the Board for the Committees who organizes some of the Guilds biggest event: The Introduction Committee, The Pub and The Festivities Committee. I’m also the contact person for The Honours Committee, the most elegant Committee. I assist these Committees with support and advice. I’m also their link with the Board and the rest of the Guild. Except for my job as a contact person I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
If you are extra interested in bigger and festive events this Board Member post is perfect! Committees and project groups which the Board Member in charge of Events act as a contact person for are usually very busy and have a lot of things going on. Periods of time there is therefore a lot to handle with committees and the Board at the same time. As a board member you learn how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As the Board Member in charge of Events you have good opportunities to work with visionary projects in parties, introduction and ceremonies.
As the Board Member in charge of Activities I’m the contact person in the Board for the committees that arrange activity related events: The Sports Committee and The Yellow Commanders. I’m also the contact person for The Cafeteria Committee and The Gadget Committee. I assist these committees with support and advice when they need it. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. I am also in charge of lecture room bookings for the Guild. Except for my job as a contact person I am also in charge of all study-circles. I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
Do you have a big interest in developing the Guild's activities? If that is the case, the Board Member in charge of Activities is the post for you! There are many committees and project groups that the Board Member in charge of Activities is the contact person for, which makes your day exciting and you get to practice your problem solvning all the time! As a Board Member you learn how to represent both your own and others opinions during discussions. As the Board Member in charge of Activities you have good opportunities to work on visionary projects within events and activities to put a silver lining to the Guild members everyday life!
The Board Member in charge of Public Relations is for those of you who are a little extra passionate about business contact, the Guilds presence on social media and the ability to reach out to members. As the Board Member in charge of Public Relations, you learn a lot about responsibility, the business and adult world as well as communication, at the same time as you constantly develop your problem solving skills. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for Public Relations you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in, for example, information accessibility for Guild members or business relations!
The Board Member in charge of Public Relations is for those of you who are a little extra passionate about business contact, the Guilds presence on social media and the ability to reach out to members. As the Board Member in charge of Public Relations, you learn a lot about responsibility, the business and adult world as well as communication, at the same time as you constantly develop your problem solving skills. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for Public Relations you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in, for example, information accessibility for Guild members or business relations!
As the Board Member in charge of Education I’m the contact person in the Board for the committees that are in charge of education and students health: The Student Council of B&K, The Study Committee and The Safety Committee. I assist these committees with support and advice when they need it. I’m also their link to the Board and the rest of the Guild. I am also a part of the Program Management Board where I represent the students regarding decisions about our education. Except for my job as a contact person I also work, like the rest of the Board, with development work and overall planning.
Are you interested in questions regarding our education, student health and debate for members in situations outside of our studies? Then this Board member post is for you! As the Board Member in charge of Education you handle very important questions for students and to be able to contribute to this is very rewarding. As a Board member, you learn a lot about how to represent your own and others opinions during discussions. As responsible for education you also have good chances to work with visionary projects in everything from education to health and affinity for the Guild members.
Vice President
Board Member in Charge of Events
Board Member in Charge of Activities
Board Member in Charge of Public Relations
Board Member in Charge of Education
Chemistry Centre
Naturvetarvägen 22
223 62 Lund
Erik Brahemark Danielsen
Web responsible:
Kajsa Heyden
Web design from 2020 by:
Karl Langsér and Linnea Gustafsson
Translation from 2020 of: Ellen Jonsson, Ida Ekenberg, Johanna Sahlberg, Linnea Hallberg, Paula Cerenius, Isabella Bergström, Filippa Wentz, Linnea Gustafsson