Guild meetings
On this page you will find everything you need to know about Guild meetings!
Guild meetings are meetings that are usually held three times a year and are the highest decision-making body that the Guild has. At a Guild Meeting, all members of the Guild have the same say and everyone has the right to vote. For example, the Board has no more authority than any other member at these meetings. The Guild’s Speaker chairs the meetings and, together with the Secretary and two adjusters, they also count votes when volunteer election occurs (which is mainly during the Fall Guild Meeting 2). To be admitted to a Guild Meeting, it is required that you are a member of the Student Union and further in the K-Guild. At least 30 members are required for a Guild Meeting to be decisive. The meetings are usually very cozy and pleasant and all members are encouraged to attend as the entire Guild is affected by what is decided there. There is a guide (on the right) for how Section Meetings go and in it there is also a guide for how it goes if it were digital.
During the spring of 2023, there will be a spring meeting. There you may have the opportunity to apply for vacant volunteering spots, and a bunch of other stuff happens that are listed below. More information about time and place will be found in the calendar.
During fall, two more guild meetings take place. At the Fall Guild Meeting 1, information points, motions and prepositions are discussed where, for example, changes to the Guild’s regulations and policies can take place. At the Fall Guild Meeting 2, information points are discussed, the framework budget is determined and all volunteers for 2024 will be elected. Fall Guild Meeting 2 usually also lasts well into the nights and food / coffee will be served. Maybe one or two memes will appear during the meeting to make the long wait feasible.
You are very welcome to the Guild's meetings!
Important document will show up here before the Guild Meetings
Important links will show up here before the Guild Meetings
Absolut majoritet - Absolute majority. When something has to be approved by every person entitled to vote at the meeting.
Acklamation - Acclamation. To vote by Acclamation means that the Speaker puts two alternatives at the time against each other and the participants at the meeting entitled to vote says “Yes” for the alternative they want to vote for. You never say “no” during a vote. The alternatives in the vote can be two different proposals (e.g. A against B) or, one alternative, A, against rejection.
Adjungera - Co-optation. To allow a non-ordinary member to be at the meeting, voice their opinion and make proposals.
Ajournera - Adjourn. To postpone the meeting (to another day or to after a break).
Enkel majoritet - Simple majority. More than 50% of people with the right to vote.
Handuppräckning - Show of hands. To vote by Show of hands means that the Speaker puts two alternatives against each other, and the members at the meeting raise their hand for the alternative they want to vote for. The alternatives in the vote can be two different proposals (e.g. A against B) or, one alternative, A, against rejection.
Justeringsperson tillika rösträknare - Attestant and vote counter. Person who counts the votes during the meeting if needed, and proofreads and attests the protocol from the meeting together with the Speaker and Secretary, to make sure the protocol represents what was said during the meeting.
Jämkning - “Reconciliation”. To withdraw a proposal in favor of another proposal.
Kvalificerad majoritet - Qualified majority. At least ⅔ of the votes must support a proposal.
Bills - Bills. Suggestions submitted by members of the Guild which the meeting should decide on.
Ordningsfråga - Point of order. If there is a question regarding the procedure of the meeting one might break the list of speakers by saying “Ordningsfråga/Point of order” to ask the question. Asking to close the discussion, asking for a test vote and direct questions to the Speaker are examples of Points of order.
Proposition - Proposition. Bill submitted by the Board.
Provvotering - Test vote. Can be requested by all members at the meeting with the right to vote. In a test vote, the vote is first by acclamation, and if needed by showing of hands. The result from a test vote is not effective, but is used to get an idea of the position in a matter being debated. Can be used to shorten the debate if there are only a few persons debating for and against.
Replik - Reply. Reply can be requested by raising one’s hand and saying “replik/reply”, if someone said your name and you want to make a comment or give a reply. Is usually used as a way of getting answers to direct questions from a specific person.
Rösträtt - Right to vote. All ordinary members of the K-guild have the right to vote at Guild Meetings.
Sakfråga - Point at issue. Point at issue is the matter that is being discussed. You cannot raise your hand and break the list of speakers by saying “Point of issue”. You need to wait to be given the word by the Speaker, in the order of the list of speakers.
Sakupplysning - Information about the point at issue. If there is a question about the point at issue, information about the point at issue can be requested. This can only be done by someone who has been appointed the word from the list of speakers. If someone at the meeting has an answer to the question, they can answer it by saying “Sakupplysning, Information about the point at issue” and break the list of speakers.
Sluten votering - Closed vote. To vote by a closed vote means that the Speaker puts two alternatives against each other, and the members with the right to vote write down the alternative they want to vote for. Is used for election of volunteers.
Streck i debatten - Closing of the discussion. Can be requested by everyone with the right to make proposals. When someone asks to close the discussion, all members get a last chance to put themselves up for the list of speakers, and then no one else is allowed. Can be used when the meeting thinks the current discussion is not leading anywhere. Closing of the discussion is a Point of order (see the explanation of Ordningsfråga/Point of order).
Talarlista - List of speakers. The Speaker keeps a list of speakers to keep track of the order in which people have asked to speak. The list of speakers determines who is allowed to speak. Points of order, Information about the point at issue or Reply breaks the list of speakers.
Votering! - Vote counting! During votes by acclamation, the Speaker and Secretary decides what alternative got the most votes. If the meeting thinks the vote is to close, or that the Speaker and Secretary heard wrong, someone yells: Vote Counting! The vote will then be done by Showing of hands instead and the vote counters will decide what alternative got the most votes. Vote counting must be requested before the vote is approved.
Yrkande - Proposal. A suggestion the meeting should decide on.
Yrkanderätt - Right of proposal. Is allowed to make proposals during the meeting.
Yttranderätt - Right of expression. Is allowed to say things during the meeting.
(Åter-)remiss - Re-referral. To send back a proposal (for example a bill) to the persons who submitted it.
Ändringsyrkande - Change proposal. A suggestion about changing an existing proposal.
The agendas for Guild meetings often look similar, but the items on the agenda are far from self-explanatory. Below is an explanation of common items on the agenda for the Guild meetings.
TFMÖ - Speaker declares the meeting opened.
Tid och sätt - Time and place. The meeting approves the time and place of the meeting, and that summons and documents have been sent out in the correct way.
Närvaro och adjungeringar - Attendance and co-optations. Roll-call. Attendance of people entitled to vote is controlled, and co-optations are made (See explanation of “adjungera” under Meeting vocabulary).
Justering - Adjustment. Election of two persons that will adjust (proofread) the protocol of the meeting, and information about when this is due. The adjustors also function as vote-counters during the meeting.
Fastställande av dagordning - Approval of the agenda. The meeting approves the agenda. If found necessary, the meeting can choose to make changes to the agenda.
Anmälan övriga frågor - Notice of Other Issues. If there is something one wishes to discuss with the members or the Guild this issue can be registered and added to the agenda. Later in the agenda there is a point “Other Issues” where this will be taken up and discussed. Oftes, “Other Issues” is at the end of the meeting.
Föregående mötesprotokoll - Reading of minutes. The protocol from the previous Guild meeting is read and approved.
Rapporter - Reports. Various information concerning the Guild meeting is reported. For example, results from surveys requested by the meeting in the decision follow-up.
Verksamhetsberättelse - Annual report of activities. The resigning Board presents the annual report for the previous year, i.e. what the previous financial year looked like and what the Guild did during that year.
Bokslut - Annual accounts. The resigning Board informs about the annual account for the previous financial year.
Revisionsberättelse – Audit report. The resigning auditors report the audit of the previous year and give a recommendation in the issue of giving discharge to the resigning Board.
Ansvarsfrihet för avgående styrelse - Discharge of the resigning Board. The meeting decides if the resigning Board should be granted discharge or not. The decision is decisive for whether the resigning Board can be legally held accountable for something they performed during their financial year.
Resultatdisposition – Profit appropriation. Decision about profit appropriation. The resigning Board proposes a profit appropriation of the result from the previous financial year and the meeting approves or rejects their proposal.
Val - Election. The election of volunteers for the next financial year is held at the second Fall Guild Meeting. Elections of project volunteers can be held at other Guild meetings closer to the start of the project.
Valärenden - Election matters. Except for “Val/Election”, this point can include information from the Election Committee and decisions about how to conduct the election process during the meeting. For example how long the candidates are allowed to speak, and be questioned.
Fyllnadsval - By-elections. Happens if there are vacant volunteer positions, for example if someone has resigned from their position.
Avsägelser - Resignations. Here, people can resign from their volunteer position if they wish to do so. Board members can only resign at Guild meetings.
Bills - Bills. Suggestions sent in by members of the Guild which the meeting should decide on. Begin with information about the motion, and questions to the people behind the motion. The Board then presents a response to the motion (the Board’s position in the matter), after which the meeting discusses, and then makes a decision to approve or reject the motion. All Guild members can submit motions.
Motioner för andra läsningen - Bills for the second reading. Bills concerning changes in the By-laws of the Guild must be approved by the Guild meeting on two consecutive meetings taking place during different semesters. The bill must be approved by a qualified majority (See the explanation of “kvalificerad majoritet” under Meeting Vocabulary).
Propositioner - Propositions. Like bills but submitted by the Board.
Beslutsuppföljning - Decision follow up. The meeting may decide to instruct persons or committees to perform special tasks, for example to carry out a survey and present it at the next Guild Meeting.
Övriga frågor - Other Issues. Issues from “Anmälan övriga frågor/Notice of Other Issues” are treated.
Message - Announcements. Various announcements from persons at the meeting.
TFMA - Speaker declares the meeting closed.