• Welcome to the K-Guild!

    Here you can find out anything about our wonderful guild


The Guild of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology within the Student Union at LTH, or shortly, the K-Guild, was founded 1965 as a seventh Guild at LTH. We are a non-profit organization for and by engineers studying Chemistry and Biotechnology. The Guild consists of around 550 members, and is run by the 150 members who are active as volunteers in the Guild.

The Guild’s goal is that every member should have the best study time possible. This is achieved by creating a togetherness, making use of the members common interests, and by being a support in the studies.

How does the Guild work?

The K-Guild is administered by the Guild’s Student Board. Apart from the Student Board, there are 16 committees organizing events such as study nights, dinner parties, sport activities, pubs, and business events. The committees also monitor the courses, run the café, provide contact with industry and keep contact with our alumni. In total, 150 guild members are active in the committees, and even more members of the guild are active during the year. For instance, about 100 members are active as volunteers during the introduction alone.






Gallien is the K-Guild's own facility and the student’s common room. Here you can find tables, sofas, and a lot of microwave ovens. As a student you rarely have the budget to eat takeout every day, so most people bring lunch boxes. It can thus be clever to bring some boxes from home, so you have a stock in the fridge. In Gallien, there’s also a small café run by the Cafeteria Committee, where you can buy low-priced coffee and some other treats.


Lophtet is the Student Union at LTH’s oldest facility and is a small cottage just north of Kemicentrum. Here, engineers meet regularly to celebrate their finished exams.

Without problem, there can be 300 standing (or, more probably, dancing) people in the room, or about 90 sitting. There is a kitchen and a fireplace. In the ceiling, there’s a disco facility with a sound system.


At Kemicentrum, world class chemistry research and education is conducted. Here, researchers from different subjects and orientations within the field of chemistry are working together to understand, explain and improve our world.

The location of Kemicentrum in the northern university area of Lund, in the heart of the Öresund region, provides a creative education and research environment.


The logo of the K-Guild is a gothic K, and our guild color is yellow. The specific tone of the beautiful yellow that the K-Guild is so associated with is of the type Pantone 803 C, has the RGB code (255,233,0) and the HEX code #FFE900. If you want to buy fabric in the color of the Guild, you can buy the color 3945u, and if you want to order paint, you can order the type Akrylat Y11 Alkyd Y1.


At the K-Guild we have a great love for anything that has to do with René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo’s comic series about Asterix. Our lunch room is called Gallien (Gaul), our Guild monument is called the Bautasten (menhir), and our patron saint is, of course, the greatest chemist that ever lived , Miraculix (Getafix). If you get the opportunity to go through the Guild’s archives, you will of course also find numerous copies of the Asterix comic books.


We are quite known for being good at nolledances at the K-guild, and we take every chance we get to dance! If you want to learn more dances, you can find a great video here!

© Copyright - Kemi- och Biotekniksektionen inom TLTH 2025