
Bilder examensceremoni och -bankett

Glad sommar sektionen! Här kommer bilderna från examensceremonin.

Nollning 2022

Grattis alla nyintagna och välkomna till Kemi- och Biotekniksektionen på LTH! All information om nollningen hittar ni på och glöm inte att följa @kseknollning på Instagram!


Lundakarnevalen takes place every four years and is Sweden's largest student engagement, and now it's finally every four years again!

Apply to Coordinator of ARKAD

Coordinator Application for ARKAD has now re-opened! Last day to apply is 19th of May.

Picknick-basket with KM

Celebrate the arrival of spring with a picknick-basket from the cafeteria committee!

Running and strength training with IdrU

It’s time for the The Sports Committee 2021 to present the first running and outdoor strength training event of the year! A good opportunity to meet up and exercise together in these stagnant times.

Community Week

During week 48 the College of Equality Opportunities will arrange a Community Week to enlighten the students’ wellbeing during the different reality we're now living in.

Lunch Lecture with iGEM

Do you also want to compete in the world championships in synthetic biology? Come to the Study Committee's lunch lecture Wednesday 18th to get inspired by this years iGEM team!

Fall Guild Meeting 2

It is time for the Second Fall Guild Meeting and to elect next years volunteers! Come and make you voice heard and influence the future of the K-guild!

More Merch!

The K-guild gets its own merch! Come to the merch release on Friday 9th to get your own water bottle, bottle opener or jubilee hoodie!