Contact the Student Board

Do you have something that you want to tell the Student Board? Something you have been thinking about but don't know who to ask? Do you have ideas of events or thoughts about how the Guild's organisation can be improved? Please do not hesitate to fill out the form below! The Student Board reads and answers everything!

You can fill out the form anonymously by not writing name or email. However, note that we in the Student Board can´t contact you then.

What do you want to tell the Student Board?

    Contact the Safety Committee

    Are you not feeling well or do have ideas of how the Safety Committee can improve its work for safety and equality? We in the safety committee are here for you and know a lot about which different support functions there are both at LTH but also at Lund University or generally in Lund. Both the Safety Officer and the Equality Officer have professional secrecy according to Swedish law. Also, please check out this list of support resources.

    You can fill out the form anonymously by not writing name or email. However, note that we in the Safety Committee can´t contact you then.

    What do you want to tell the Safety Committee?

      Contact the Webmasters

      Do you have thoughts about the website? Wishes or ideas that you or your committee want to see on the website. Or have you found something wrong that should be changed? Please do not hesitate to fill out the form and contact us webmasters! We really want to know your thoughts on the website!

      You can fill out the form anonymously by not writing name or email. However, note that we can´t contact you then.

      What do you want to tell the Webmasters?

        Contact the Student Council

        Have your rights as a student been wronged? Have you for example not been allowed to study previous examinations or equivalent exercises, have your results from examinations not been returned within the required time window, have you not gotten time to repeat obligatory parts of your course that you missed because of sickness or other hindrance? 

        Contact the Student Council! We know your rights, we have contacts in the guild, our student union (TLTH) and the university. We are always ready to stand up for your rights, remember that it is better to report too much than to little!

        You can fill out the form anonymously by not writing a name or email. However, note that we in the Student Council can´t contact you then.

        What do you want to tell the Student Council?